Upskilling was all the rage prior to the pandemic. Weeve chatbot Kim, helps employees with customized learning journeys by mapping to your LMS or content repository.
If you’re not earning, start learning! Weeve content mapping gives your employees a safe and fast way to direct people instantly to the resources they need.
nCompanies often pay top dollar for underutilized resources for the employee base, with Weeve, we can apply instant applications ultimately driving Issue-to-Action. Organizations that are looking to leverage their knowledge to improve their career options. various leadership and personal development topics, including how to build teams, instigate change, and improve customer success rates. Upskilling is the process of learning additional skills that improve your main competencies, consequently strengthening your company’s productivity. Do you know that the latest market research shows that upskilling has become more important today?nWeeve understands that upskilling is crucial for companies and employees that want to remain globally competitive, often just by leveraging programs that have already been purchased.n
Weeve is software meant to engage teams, the software empowers employees to take control of their learner engagement. nBook a demo to learn more.